

I’ve written here before about my fascination with weaving and my various attempts following my very first try during a fun day in this workshop. I followed up with some lessons and a couple of years ago I explored the potential of backstrap weaving but not finding it terribly comfortable being tied to the kitchen door handle, I was really happy that Father Christmas brought me an inkle loom this year! It’s an Ashford Inklette and I was looking forward to trying it out.

Having assembled it, the warping process was the first task to be done. I’d decided to follow the instructions in the book to the letter, even choosing the same colours of thread. As always, I wanted (dare I say, expected?!) a perfect result first time!

I’ll admit that my choice was also in the “use what you have” mindset. With boxes and bags of yarn of various types, I felt sure I’d have something suitable and soon found these large reels that I used to use for making braids. Perfect.


As I tied off each colour, I noticed how slippery this thread is and how difficult it was to tie securely. It’ll be fine once I get going, I thought and finished warping the loom before going upstairs to cook supper last evening.

This morning, I returned to the instructions and started to make the 37 leashes from perle cotton (much less slippery than the yarn I was using to warp with) Next difficulty was getting that knot in exactly the right place every time. Just how precise does that 11.5cm length have to be? I managed within 2 or 3 mm and hoped that would be fine.

No problems! Yes, those leashes did have to be more or less the same length but the 2 or 3mm difference was fine.

I loaded the shuttle and we were off. To and fro, over and under. I soon created a few inches of woven band and was pleased with the result, though that thread continues to prove tricky to use. As always, I want to do it all perfectly the first time and this is far from perfect. However, I’ve got a list of reminders for next time (different thread!!) and will continue on this warp for a bit longer, just for practice.

Next time, I’ll make sure I’ve caught all the threads too, not leaving one behind as has happened this time.

But for a first go, it’s not bad! Even the edges are “acceptable”, if not “spectacular” !

The Poetry of Pablo Neruda

The Poetry of Pablo Neruda

It took time

It took time