Right back where we started

Right back where we started


Almost three weeks of road tripping and we’re headed back to where we began.  Green Bay has been a real joy.  The people are delightful and there’s a real sense of place here, even if it does come dressed in green and yellow!


We hit the interstate this morning, aiming to make the journey as trouble-free and uneventful as we could.  We’ve driven part of it before, when we began our road trip in Milwaukee, so from time to time we spotted a familiar landmark.


After four hours or thereabouts, we were approaching the city.  We’ve driven this route once or twice before, knowing which exit to take and best of all, that we’d soon be there.


There it was again, the Murakami sign which started it all three weeks ago.  Can it really be so long?


Gazing through our windows on the 18th floor this time, we smiled and felt glad to be here in Chicago again, even if it does mean our road trip is almost over.  I spotted some folks on the roof opposite having a bit of a party, it being the 4th July weekend and all of that.


I couldn’t resist zooming in to see what was going on!  (naughty….I know)

Winking smile

I kept my finger on the zoom button and snapped again – Mmmmmm, hummus!  ;-)


Dragging myself away from voyeuristic activities, I got my act together and we made our way down to Michigan Avenue, where things were a little busy.


We took a look in the American Girl Place, interested to see the doll of the year and her companion, which Mary had heard about but not seen yet.  Sure enough, there was Tenney, a musician and her friend Logan, together with a variety of instruments and music cartridges to play in the amplifier.


Personally, I preferred Z-Yang, imaginative film maker with a slightly geeky vibe.  Much more interesting and characterful!  But this is no shop for those with mere pocket money – we’re talking considerable investment here!


Speaking of investment, we mooched over to Eileen Fisher, who had sent me an email this morning with news of extra special offers and additional discounts this weekend.  But I’d already looked around last time we were here and more or less knew that this season’s style wasn’t for me.  As we sat in Starbucks opposite, I thought how dull their offering looked.  I mean, those olive green jersey trousers in the window, with a plain white T shirt and cropped denim jacket?  No thanks – and a 15% discount on investment level prices leaves them way too expensive for this time.


So we headed for our favourite popcorn shop!


I took the same photographs I always take when I’m here and still loved looking at the view.


On the way back, feeling the heat a little, we took a look in Crate and Barrel, where the Inspired Kitchen was themed in copper and marble.  I love Crate and Barrel, even if the copper/marble vibe isn’t for me.


We were really spinning it out a bit, so we’d be hungry enough to drop into Giordanos on our way back.  Having had no lunch and no snacks, we were hungry.


But we still couldn’t finish.

So lovely to be here again!

Last day in Chicago

Last day in Chicago

Go Pack Go

Go Pack Go