
The answer to life, the universe and everything. (The reference is here if you need it)

Life here has been pretty peaceful and our routine has been more or less uninterrupted until we noticed one or two “fluffs” about the place. It didn’t take long for me to suspect a duvet burst and sure enough, on wash day that was confirmed. We took it outside to shake and I found the two holes, repairing them before putting on a fresh cover and beginning the ongoing task of dealing with the fallout.

They reminded me of a white version of Studio Ghibli’s soots.

Here we are, a week later and they are still appearing - both inside and out!

In other news, I managed to get both watch and battery guarantee in the right place and take them into Timpson's for repair. It’s good to have my watch on my wrist again and once again, I’m including the words watch battery in this post deliberately so that I can find it again!

However, just as we were ticking along nicely, after a fun weekend with friends one of us tested positive.

Thankfully, I remained in the clear and was there with the Stuart Singers at their concert with the Wyndham Singers in Nailsworth at the weekend, raising a fabulous sum of money for good causes - over £1k.

But of course, the inevitable happened and today, our 42nd wedding anniversary will be spent at home, rather than visiting a gallery and enjoying lunch out. Never mind. We are neither of us too poorly and are simply taking it easy and staying out of the way of everyone else.

I hope Jane won’t mind me including the cute photo she sent of possibly the most recent wedding anniversary spent away from home? For this is the third year in a row that we have had to postpone plans due to Coronavirus. My word, perhaps next year will be super-spectacular? Hopefully, we’ll have just returned from Japan…

For now, we’ll just sit quietly, count blessings and feel thankful for so much. That includes hearing a fabulous performance of a Sibelius symphony on the radio when I was in the shower this morning, prompting me to turn the volume right up and confirm this blog post from some years ago.

I might have to listen to the finale of his 5th this afternoon, even though it will make me cry.

42 years eh?

Spring has Sprung!

Spring has Sprung!

Putting a lid on the jigsaw

Putting a lid on the jigsaw