W day minus 2 - finish the cake

W day minus 2 - finish the cake

The cake was clearly on my mind for as I woke this morning, I found myself working out how I was going to work out the placement of the flowers for this, the last stage of the cake prep. I worked out that, if I cut two sheets of paper the same size as the cake sides, I could fiddle around with the flowers and get them well spaced as much as I liked - because I was very aware that once a flower was put in place, there’d be no moving it about.

And this was the one stage I hadn’t practised at all.


But life goes on and we need more than cake to eat. Edward’s heading home this afternoon so we need something for dinner and something to leave in the fridge for Sunday and Monday too. We went shopping this morning, doing our usual Thursday supermarket shop but with only half the usual things on the list.

I came home, made a cup of tea whilst my Hero went off to deliver Bettine’s groceries and chatted with my Avening WI friends during our regular Thursday morning catch up.


With an hour or so before lunch, I reckoned there was time to try out my idea and cut the two pieces of paper to size. Deliberately not looking at the original concept cake that inspired Amy, I began placing the flowers, hoping that I’d have enough of them.


Just as I was thinking I might have overdone it a bit, my Hero appeared for lunch. He thought it looked about right and I decided to let it settle in my mind, have a bit of lunch and then see what I thought when I returned to it.

This afternoon, I worked on the final stages and applied the flowers, which were a brilliant means of covering my less than perfect ganache coating! I think that it’s only fair that the Bride and Groom have first sight of the finished cake though, so will keep the final reveal till the big day.

There’s a real sense of relief around here though!

W day minus 1 - we (and the cake) arrived safely!

W day minus 1 - we (and the cake) arrived safely!

W day minus 3 - it's getting real

W day minus 3 - it's getting real