An Elegant Sufficiency

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W day minus 5 -let the fun begin

It’s all systems go around here and having got my act together following my swim this morning, I set to and began the programme of work set out for me by one of my cake gurus. My two expert friends - Jill, NFWI Cookery Judges trainer and author of several cook books including the one with the recipe I’m using, and Kelsie, International Cake Decorating Judge, WI friend and the maker of just about every wedding cake in this community I now discover, have both been there for me from the start. They’ve reassured me that I can do this, have shared their knowledge and advice and without their help, I would not have got this far.

Kelsie drew up a plan for the week, beginning today, when she advised getting a head start on the baking. Using Jill’s recipe and Kelsie’s recommendation of lemon and elderflower flavoured sugar, I followed the same process as I have done several times now for the practice cakes, except this time, it was for real.

My Kenwood Chef behaved perfectly, rising to the challenge that it was built for. I’m so glad I made that purchase!

With two cakes in the oven, I began the buttercream, reading the display on my kitchen scales through a cloud of flavoured sugar powder. Here, I got a head start on Kelsie’s programme - or did I just misread it? “Make either buttercream or ganache” - I made both!

I melted the white chocolate very carefully indeed, having burned it when I first tried it some weeks ago. Not just me, it seems, for white chocolate can be tricky, I understand. Anyway, I took no chances this morning and keeping an eye on the two cakes which were nearing the time to come out of the oven, I watched as the chocolate melted and the single cream reached boiling.

I sealed the two huge bags of chocolate and flavoured sugar, which are getting a good deal lighter. I don’t normally buy - or use - ingredients in such quantity, but with practice cakes to make and the possibility of another, three tier cake for the post wedding party in London (when it can finally happen) I ‘invested’ in plentiful supplies!

The first oven timer pinged and the smaller of the two cakes was ready. I tested it with the skewer (can’t risk a soggy middle!) and satisfied myself it was done. Those non-stick liners for the cake tins are terrific and make life so much easier. The other discovery is the wrap around baking belt - a posher version of the wad of newspaper I tie around my Christmas cake when I bake it. They get soaked in water before being wrapped around the tin before baking and really do seem to make for a more even bake and prevent the cake rising to a peak.

Half an hour later, the larger cake was done. I can’t tell you how relieved I was to find that my calculations when dividing the mixture between the tins had worked so well, for the two cakes are identical in height. I’d sat the little one on my cooling rack for five minutes before realising that I should have set it upside down to prevent the rack marks appearing on the surface that will show. Never mind - that stripy side can go inside the cake.

My instructions now are to wait until they are completely cool then to wrap them in cling film for the crumb to set. I think that completes my tasks for today, which is just as well because in half an hour, I’m off to the hairdressers!