A surprise day in Athens

A surprise day in Athens

Our programme from Kusadasi was to sail to Rhodes for the day, where we had planned to visit Lindos. Then we were scheduled for a day in Santorini, which we were particularly looking forward to. But, sometimes life gets in the way and we’ve cruised enough to know that ports sometimes get missed or substituted for all kinds of reasons.

Well, the Greek tugboat drivers decided to go on strike, meaning we couldn’t dock in Piraeus as planned. The Captain did his best to negotiate our arrival without a tug - a modern ship doesn’t actually need one - but no go. The only answer was to get us to Athens before the strike began, early this morning and so we enjoyed a bonus sea day and a day in Athens for our last two days.

For our day in Athens, we chose to visit the Acropolis. It was a glorious day with a stiff breeze at the foot of the hill, but oh my word, up there at the top we felt as though we were about to be blown away! We visited the museum later, had lunch and walked through the Plaka.

Sadly, now we have to pack. I’ll finish my blog later…maybe from home with a secure connection!

Tomorrow morning it will be Αντίο Αθήνα - Bye Bye Athens. It’s been short and sweet but lovely!

My head is still there!

My head is still there!

Agora, Acropolis and Apollo, the main feature

Agora, Acropolis and Apollo, the main feature