An Elegant Sufficiency

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The weather forecasters were talking of “wild weather” today. “Disruptive weather” even - but that was for the weekend. It was a surprise then, when my hero went out for his walk, to discover how blustery it was already, not to mention how cold.

Of course, it is only February still and though the sun might be shining and the sky blue, it is still Winter around here.

I fancied a breath of fresh air though, so put on my coat, boots and grabbed my camera to go out into the garden and see what’s going on. I’d spotted something interesting from the kitchen window and wanted to take a closer look. I took the long way round though!

The squirrels have been busy and I’ve seen them scampering about the garden quite a lot this last week. I was glad to see they hadn’t had a go at the bulbs I’d planted before Christmas, then. I have been keeping a close eye on them!

Our pond is in a bit of a sorry state and the blanket weed seems to have survived the winter so far. We live in hope of a “cure”.

I’m also hopeful for a cure to ash dieback too, for this huge ash is the largest tree in the garden and the outlook would be completely different without it. I keep a close eye on that as well.

My search for signs that Spring can’t be far away takes my eye to a clump of daffodils in a messy corner

where I spot a few tulips too. It’ll be a while before they flower, but for now, it’s good to see them popping up again.

Mostly, it’s a wintry outlook though, with few buds and shoots appearing yet.

It looks like we might need to sort out our garden wall before too long as well. It’s no coincidence that the particular spot where the stones are dislodged is the place where the foxes jump over.

Hmmm. Not in our new lawn thankfully, but someone’s been digging. Squirrel? Badger?

Right! This was what I’d spotted from the kitchen window - what used to be just a couple of smallish clumps of cyclamen has grown into a dense carpet, all along the base of the wall. I don’t remember it being quite so noticeable last year.

I wanted to take a few photos of the leaves like this - aren’t they beautiful? (I wonder if they’ll all flower?)

Making my way back now I thought I’d take a look at the fruit trees. Any sign of blossom? No - but there was a rather interesting fungus on the greengage! (Never seen anything like that, either!)

The cherry tree was the only one with a few buds. We’ve never had any cherries from it though - the birds always get there first!

It seems that the only colour in the garden at this time of the year is along the fence below the box hedge - which is the source of another concern. Oh heck - life and death in the garden eh?

By now, my hands are cold and I am mindful of the cup of tea I made before I stepped out into the garden. Still, I wanted to go and look at the corner with the elephant to check he was still ok. As I stood there, I heard a rumble in the sky and looked up.

Not only was there Air Canada flight 873, Frankfurt to Toronto passing overhead (thanks Flight Radar 24) but I was standing beneath a sprinkling of blossom too! In seven hours or so those people in the air will be stepping out in Toronto to sub-zero temperatures with the threat of snow later in the week. I was thankful that although it is still Winter here in the Cotswolds, the signs are there that Spring is not too far away!