An Elegant Sufficiency

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39 years

Our wedding anniversary weekend and time to feel thankful indeed. When I begin to think “where did those years go? I only have to sit and think of everything we’ve done and suddenly, the question becomes “how have we fitted it all in?”.

Well, we continue to fit in as much as we can and are lucky to be able to do exactly as we please, too. We celebrated with a table at our favourite Lumiere on Friday night, working our way through the tasting menu - well, how could we resist? On Saturday, we met friends for lunch at 131 for a lovely relaxed and sociable few hours - a fine Spring day in Cheltenham with a bit of blossom on the trees put us all in a very positive frame of mind, (as did making an impulse purchase at Blue along the way!)

The weaving books are stacked up and I’m working my way towards warping up my loom in the next couple of days with a view to weaving some samples to take back to Ardington with me when I return there in June. I’m trying to resist the temptation to investigate card weaving and inkle looms too much - that little thought has lingered in my brain for quite a few years now and every so often, it pops up and demands a bit of thought. One thing at a time though - I’m telling myself that I have to get to grips with the rigid heddle loom before I can allow myself to get distracted by anything else.

I finished my Hero’s latest socks last evening - pair #30, named in my Ravelry database as Well-Travelled socks since the Malabrigo yarn began life in Peru. I bought it here in the UK, cast the stitches on the way to Nashville and the knitting went to Jordan and back before coming home to be finished. The thing is, I ought to have been more imaginative in choosing a name, because I notice they are not the only pair of “well travelled socks”.

I’ve rooted out the yarn for the next pair; the same Malabrigo Yarn, ready to cast on. This pair #31 might form a subset of well-travelled socks otherwise known as “round the world socks”, but I think I prefer to think of them as the “Bering Sea pair”.

Yes, the next trip is on the radar at last!