An Elegant Sufficiency

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Christmas Eve


There’s no wonder that delivery people have difficulty around here when they try to deliver stuff in the dark.  I could hardly find the gate when we set out at 6.30am to get our turkey this morning.




We’d checked online for the opening times, being determined to avoid the craziness of trying to park later in the day.  Anyway, it’s one of our traditions to be there as early as possible, to “sally forth” as Delia says in her Christmas book, and be home again before breakfast.




7am opening this year then and though we were there well before then, we weren’t the first.




Thankfully, it was a good-humoured crowd waiting patiently for the doors to open.  My hero headed straight for the turkey delivery desk whilst I continued with my list in my hand.




Though generally speaking the shelves were well stocked, there’d been a run on prunes already and all that was to be found was a “Frozen” card there instead.  For a short while, it looked like Edward’s plans to make prunes in port for Boxing Day might come adrift but thankfully, we found some in the baking section.  They’ve got stones in them, so will give us the added fun of playing Tinker Tailor Solder Sailor too!




The time on the photo of the shopping in the boot of the car is 7.49am and having more than we could possibly need for the next few days, we are now at home.  There’s a mincemeat streusel cake in the oven, Swiss Radio Classic is playing in the background and Edward has just emerged from the bathroom.  Peace reigns.

Wishing you a peaceful Christmas, too!