An Elegant Sufficiency

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catch up


A quiet few days it seems, but that usually means that there’s plenty going on, keeping me out of mischief.




I’ve been busy in the studio, making things which can’t be revealed just yet and yes, learning something new every day.  Yesterday’s lesson was that however many blue threads I possess, it doesn’t mean that I have the right blue to repair my sweater.  Oh well, I went for the right hue if not quite a dark enough tone and muttered the old “done is better than perfect” saying to myself.




Today, I’m preparing one or two bits for our WI competition tonight.  I’ve made a card, printed out a photo featuring a tree, the bread’s rising as I write and I’ve found a suitable item for Class 10.  It was no trouble at all to find my entry for Class 9! 




One of our members came up with this pattern for a knitted poppy which has been doing the rounds of a nearby village.  So, sample knit and pattern printed out to take along tonight for donations for the Poppy Appeal.  How quickly it comes around again.




Finally, in my spare time (!) I’m aiming to play along with Team Tolstoy.  I succumbed to the temptations of the new Kindle recently and have loaded it with 79p’s worth of War and Peace, ready for the off.  As you can see, I’ve been in training during the last few days.

Anyone else fancy the challenge?