An Elegant Sufficiency

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I was working at home today, down in the studio where I could see that it had begun to snow.  By noon, there was a light dusting.



Half an hour later, the dusting was more of an even covering and the email arrived, cancelling my meeting tomorrow.  That came as a relief!



By three o'clock, things were looking pretty and the world outside was peaceful and silent.  The snow was still falling.



By four thirty and the onset of dusk, we looked out on a completely white world - or rather, a blue one.  Earlier in the week, I marvelled at Terry's blog photograph and her story of a very similar snowy day in Oregon.  Never did I realise that only days later, we would experience similar conditions here in mild, medium South West England!

Yes, that light is absolutely magical and I am thrilled that I was able to capture it on my camera.


Tonight we're staying warm in front of the stove, filled with anticipation about what tomorrow morning will bring.  The forecast is for more snow - a lot more snow.  Watch this space!