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I know, it's been quiet around here.  In spite of good intentions to post a few photographs of happy times like breakfast at Bobs, above, I hit a brick wall with my photo organisation once again..  Since moving on from the now-unsupported Picasa some months ago and doing my best to love Adobe Lightroom, I've failed.  

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As a result, stories of fun times with Edward and Amy, doing not very much beyond enjoying their company have gone unblogged because I couldn't import the photographs I took into that impossible program.  I tried over and again, each time getting the same error message and watching as "Lightroom has encountered a problem and will close".  I am not noted for my patience with such matters (some may say that's an understatement) but because there were other things to be getting on with I let it go and hoped that it was something that would resolve itself.

Except it didn't.  Well, such things don't "resolve themselves" do they?

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Sadly gin wasn't the answer either, though the winners of the Pictionary game got first tastes of the seasonal selection of Sibling that Father Christmas put in my Christmas stocking.  No, My Hero did some research and came up with a 30 day trial of a highly recommended alternative to Lightroom: Capture One Pro.  To be honest, much of it is way beyond me, but if I might use just a small percentage of the abilities of that powerful program to catalogue, sort, edit and organise the 130,000 (yes!) photographs I have in my collection, I'd be a happy customer.

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As you can see, I've made some progress.  Not only was I able to import the whole of my Lightroom catalogue (yes, all those 130,000 pictures) but also upload the twenty or so photos I took between Christmas and the New Year.  In all of that, my Hero discovered that the Lightroom catalogue had been corrupted....whatever that might mean, but presumably the reason why I couldn't add to it in the last few days.  As you can see from the evidence above, I've also created a simple edit recipe for resizing and watermarking my photos ready to blog, too.  


But just as I was feeling confident that a solution had been found, I watched as 19 of the photographs I'd taken during our "de-Christmas" operation in the last couple of days failed to transfer from my camera successfully and appear to be lost.  In the spirit of a New Year however, and without all the hoohah of Christmas and so on, I intend to summon up all my powers of persistence to get this Capture One thing sorted.  Though I have a further twenty-nine days to decide, in reality, it's probably got this weekend to win me over.

Watch this space, or if you are close enough, watch my Hero's face for the outcome!

The challenge continues

The challenge continues

