

There has been life beyond sewing a bag.


I met a friend for lunch the other day in a place I’ve heard about but never been.  At times, it felt as though we were in someone’s junk yard.  More shabby than chic, but the food and service were excellent!


Thursday night was WI and as our village hall gets a bit of an upgrade, the school have been updating the wallhangings as well.  Lovely new “earth, water, air” work, all based on weavings using CDs.  Very clever and perfect for the setting, too.  Our speaker told us about the Stroud Food Bank, an organisation many of us support but about which we knew little, it seems.


On Friday I had a meeting at the Gloucester M5 Services, on the Southbound side where there’s a great fishmonger.  I liked the way he parcelled my fish up with paper and string but loved that he asked for my shopping bag and placed a freezer pack at the bottom of it to keep my fish cool too.  That’s service, isn’t it?


As I was cooking the fish, I spotted a visitor in the garden, stopping by the pond for a drink.


I think he knew I had my camera to hand as he posed so nicely, don’t you?

Tourists in our own patch

Tourists in our own patch

The Third Law

The Third Law