…and back again

On such a beautiful day, it was hard to think of a reason for taking the T back downtown.  The fresh air and easy walk would be so much better for us, we thought.




After all, there was hardly any traffic – this is around midday on Monday, on what I’d have thought was one of the busier roads in the city.




Anyway, we can spot all kinds of interesting things on foot.




Walking in the opposite direction means that we view a different perspective.  Though we’ve seen (and photographed) the Symphony Hall several times, I’m not sure I’ve taken much notice of the grand Horticultural Society building opposite.




The Prudential Center is a little busier now, with lunchtime shoppers and tourists like ourselves taking advantage of the last bargains.  We head straight through on our way to Newbury Street.




Newbury is a fine avenue of brownstone houses, most of which have been turned into small shops.  There are basements in these houses, so there’s sometimes a small shop downstairs and another one on the raised ground floor, accessed by a flight of stairs.  When we first started coming to Boston some years ago, these stores were rather exclusive, upmarket and slightly forbidding.




These days, that is less so.  The “big boys” have moved into the larger premises and the smaller shops are a little more quirky.




There’s even a branch of the “sewing machine” shop, looking exactly like the other branches we’ve seen here and there.




But we spot Harry and David down there next door so pop inside to take advantage of a sample or two and buy some of our favourite chocolate covered strawberries.




And thanks, the MooseMunch is delicious!




By the time we get to Boston Common, our feet are getting tired, the sun is starting to go down and it’s getting cold.  It’s time to turn around and head back to the hotel.




Walking slowly back along Boylston Street, we spot other little architectural details, fine features of these grand old buildings, some of which have seen better days.




Though the shopwindow offers are fewer and further between, there’s still the odd one which catches our eye, but we resist.




Putting one weary foot in front of the other, we make our way back.




When we’re almost at the crossing in front of the hotel, I see two familiar faces.




We’re back in time to take a quick look at that lovely gunmetal top in Eileen’s shop window down there.  Except that it isn’t gunmetal but black and it’s $318 with no discounts.

Time to move on.

We’re home…and it’s December already

Finally, the American Wing